Do you like BeeBEEP? Click here and make a small donation to help me continue to develop it.
New 5.8.6 Free OpenSource

Donate for BeeBEEP

Your small contribution is a great recognition for me.

BeeBEEP is and will always be a free and open-source application.
Despite this, developing BeeBEEP still involves costs and I'm not just talking about my free time.

Help me with a small donation to support some of these expenses.
Together we can make BeeBEEP better.

Hi, I'm BeeBEEP, the free office messenger that for 15 years has been helping people like you keep messages safe and private.

Do you like BeeBEEP? Click here and make a small donation to help me continue to develop it.
BeeBEEP is an opensource project hosted by SourceForge

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